Erik LutenCounsel

Erik Luten is an attorney at FIZ, specializing in both insolvency law and structured finance transactions. He holds an LL.M degree from University of Leiden, and a (cum laude) post-graduate qualification in insolvency law from the Grotius Academy.

As an insolvency lawyer and former bankruptcy trustee (curator), Erik provides specialist advise to his clients. In complex structured finance transactions, he works along with his client and makes sure to logically prioritize the steps that need to be taken. The newly introduced WHOA is familiar territory for Erik, who has advised multiple clients on the application of this restructuring tool. As an experienced lawyer, Erik is always up to date with the recent developments in his field.

His clients describe him as a “strong advisor who works very meticulously and easily gets to the very heart of the matter”.

Before he joined FIZ, Erik worked at Schaap and Kneppelhout, two leading mid-sized law firms based in Rotterdam.

Erik Luten has registered the following principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

-Corporate law (ondernemingsrecht)
-Insolvency law (insolventierecht)

Based on this registration, he/she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.